Vine is shutting down

Vine is a social media that many people enjoy everyday. It is where you can show your creativity and talent in videos. Although there is a very challenging part to this; the videos can only be six seconds long. The news that it was shutting down came to be on October 27, 2016.

It is a very sad as to why Vine is getting shut down. Twitter, who is the owner of Vine, is unfortunately not doing well financially. They are running very low on money and Vine is, sadly,  not popular enough to keep its own. Recently, they even had to lay off  9 percent of its employees.

Once Instagram came out with videos, vine was never able to recover. With videos on Instagram, they were 15 seconds long, giving a person a lot more time to show their creativity. With this longer time, a lot of viners switched to Instagram instead.   

There are plenty of hilarious videos and trends that started on Vine. Along with just as many legendary people who made the videos. For example, Thomas Sanders, David Lopez, Lele Pons and KingBach, or Andrew Bachelor.

Luckily, there have been companies that have been offering to buy Vine from Twitter. As of October 7, 2016, Twitter has narrowed down the options on selling it from more than ten to about five.

The potential buyers are still unknown to most of the public. But, one rumored buyers is the Japanese gaming and messaging company, Line.