Keeping it together

Keeping it together

One of the hardest things for students throughout the school year is staying organized. From losing homework, to forgetting test dates, there can be a lot of downfalls when you’re not organized.

Getting a planner or agenda notebook can be very beneficial for keeping up with due dates for homework and exams. You can also use it to remember projects and when you are going to do what for the project. Trying to balance six classes everyday without a planner seems a little bit tough. With this special book, you can stay organized and focused on what to do and when to do it.

Another way to stay organized is going through your folders or binder and getting rid of papers that aren’t needed anymore. When you go looking for an assignment the day it’s due, you don’t want to be stuck at your desk digging through papers and come to find that you didn’t actually bring it. Getting rid of papers keeps your folder up to date on assignments and class work.

Along with this, you should date the notes that you take. If your teacher wants to take the notes for a certain day, you can just flip through to it and find the page in a second. And if you are looking for some notes to study on for a certain topic, you can always look at the date of when you learned it and then find that date in your notebook, and voila! You are studying and getting ready for a big test in no time.

There are many ways to stay organized during the school year, and I only listed a few. Either way, they should help you stay on track and keep up with everything.