

Race is an exhilarating and exciting film about the struggles, determination and courage of one man trying to make his olympic dreams come true.  The plot follows Jesse Owens, a legendary athlete, and his struggles and hardships of his aspirations.  During the time of this movie, the 1936 Olympics, Jesse Owens was racing against Adolf Hitler’s German team.  Throughout the captivating movie Jesse Owens faces many hurdles along the way (literally) not only did he have to do with the already prevalent struggle to win for his country, he faced many oppositions from white supremacists  and he had to show them that not only he could be able to do it, but, do it well.  Jesse Owens proved his point by taking home a record breaking, four gold medals in the Berlin Olympics.  This movie is a great movie to watch to see how the world has evolved since this era and show how much change still can be made.