

It seems like nowadays everything is a touch of the screen away, and looking at all of your favorite celebrities on platforms such as Twitter and Instagram are only seconds away as well.

Celebrities such as Beyonce or Kim Kardashian are famous for tweaking their pictures, from making their waist smaller to smoothing out their faces. Some apps like Facetune or Perfect365 allow you to photoshop your pictures with features ranging from removing wrinkles, erasing acne, to even whitening your teeth or eyes.

When celebrities post fixed photos to unknowing fans, fans begin to question their own looks and compare themselves to the perfected version of someone else, not the true version of them.  The huge fanbase usually consists of young girls, whose view of beauty is skewed by the false expectations that their idols present to them online.

In a picture that was posted by Beyonce, you can see her going down the stairs of a cruise ship, where there is clear warping of the stairs where someone tried to slim her legs before she posted it. Beyonce has been known for being caught Photoshopping her pictures, and not doing a very good job at hiding it. Also having posted Photoshop mistakes, Kim Kardashian has several pictures where she slims her legs or waist, while also warping the background around the area.

Now people see these pictures of celebrities with slim bodies and nice clothing, and their vision of beauty is warped, where only a clear face and a nice body is the only way to be beautiful. Young girls have the thought that the only way to have a nice life is to have only the best clothing and the best looks. Many people see these celebrities as pictures, when they’re actually just people, with acne and imperfections, just like the rest of us.