Studying tips

Studying tips

Over the years, many students have been stressed about a big test coming up.  To prevent stressful nights, here are some tips to help for the next test.


  1. Take detailed notes

When you are taking notes do not just write down what is coming out of the teachers mouth or is on the screen.   Make sure you are actively writing down what you need and important things that the teacher may emphasize.  Computer Applications teacher, Stacey Foster, suggests that students color code and draw pictures to help understand a concept.  When you are writing down notes make sure to write plenty of example problems or situations to help you later on.


  1. Do not wait until the night before

Before a big test make sure that you are reviewing little parts periodically throughout the week before the test.  You will have become familiarized with the topics so you are not stressed out the day before the test.  When you have spaced this out you will have less to worry about.


  1. Study when sleepy

This may sound weird but research has proven when the mind is sleepy it holds more space for memory.  When you are about to go to bed try this, study a few phrases or problems before going to bed.  With this, do not stay up too late studying, it is also important to get a good amount of sleep.


  1. Take breaks

Do not get too stressed out when studying, when you start to get frustrated or can not pay attention any more, move around.  Come back when you are ready to focus again.  Go for a quick walk, get a snack or spend a couple of minutes on social media, whatever it takes.  When you get back from a break really concentrate on what you are doing so you become more successful.


  1. Write it out

When studying write it out multiple times to get it into your head.  Research suggests that we will more likely store information in our head that we write out.  Write down what is important or what you need to know and read it out loud to yourself to get the most out of this tip.

Most of all, do not stress out too much, when you stress out the brain has a hard time focusing on what it needs to do, so the next time you have a big test try out some of these tips.