Five New Year’s resolutions for 2016

Although 2016 is already here, it is never too late to have a goal set in mind for the end of the year.  2016 should be a year to remember so here are five resolutions for 2016.


  1. Staying optimistic

This first goal might seem easier than it is.  Having a positive outlook on life can be beneficial not only to your mind, it can have physical benefits as well such as: a stronger and healthier heart, become less likely to develop viruses and bacteria and when sick are more likely to get rid of an illness quicker after all laughter is the best medicine.   


  1. Eating healthier

Having a healthy diet incorporated into your everyday life can be very health beneficial.  It has been proven to boost metabolism, which helps weight loss.  Replacing deep fried food with nutritious fruits and vegetables also provides more energy throughout the day, this energy is made by key nutrition found in healthier varieties of food prompts longer and deeper sleep which results in feeling fully rested when waking up.


  1. Trying something new

Who knows it may as well become one of your favorite things, after all how do you know you do not like something if you do not try it?  Picking up a new hobby, club, sport or activity can not only be a lot of fun but it can take up spare free time to prevent boredom.  It is a good way to meet new people and become closer to other people who are interested in the same things you are.


  1. Get better grades or higher GPA

One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions among students is to get better grades.  Getting better grades is not as easy as it may come across.  This resolution will require a lot of work but it will be well worth the extra effort when you GPA shoots up.  


  1. Save money

Putting money in a savings account is can help with extra expenses like credit card monthly expenses.  It is also beneficial if you are planning to make a big purchase like a car.  In the long run saving money will help immensely.