The right pet for you

The right pet for you

Cats, dogs, hamsters. They’re all great pets, but sometimes we forget to consider the more exoctic critters. Here are some unique pets that would make great companions:


  1. Hedgehogs

Hedgehogs are similar to hamsters intelligence wise. They are quiet and shy, but can be cuddly. They are adorable, despite being a little prickly. As far as maintenance goes, hedgehogs require fresh food, water and a clean cage. Depending of the hedgehog, they may need to be bathed occasionally, though many don’t even need it. Since they don’t need walks or anything, they are perfect for those of us who are pretty busy.


  1. Sugar Gliders

These critters are not actually rodents. They’re a part of the same family as kangaroos, marsupials. As their name implies, sugar gliders love anything that is sweet, especially fruits and veggies. They are adorable and very friendly. They can live up to 15 years. However, unlike hedgehogs, sugar gliders require much more play time. They need time to bond with their owner, which means that they can grow very close to them.


  1. Bearded Dragons

If you’re looking for a cuddly companion, this reptile is not for you. However, the bearded dragon is surprisingly gentle. They love being handled, and will eventually perch or sit on their owner. They are typically 12-24 inches from head to tail. They can live up to 14 years if they are properly cared for and with enough attention.


  1. Chinchillas

These playful rodents are known for their soft fur. Chinchillas are smart and loving and require lots of social attention. They also can live a very long time, up to 20 years.
Finding the right pet can be difficult, but once you find it, it’s worth the effort.