Robert Durst: Millionaire Murderer?

Robert Durst: Millionaire Murderer?

Robert Durst, previous heir to his father’s real estate empire, was arrested on March 14, right before the final episode of his HBO documentary “The Jinx” aired.

Durst has led a life in the spotlight ever since the unsolved disappearance of his wife Kathleen McCormack in 1971. The mysterious departure of McCormack is still being treated as a disappearance because no body was ever found.

It is said that Susan Berman, the daughter of a Las Vegas mobster and spokeswoman, as well as a close friend of Durst, knew the truth about the disappearance of McCormack and was going to tell police. She was found dead with a bullet in the back of her head only days before her scheduled interview was to take place.

In 2000, Durst got into some more trouble in Texas while posing as a blind, mute woman. During his stay, he befriended Morris Black, his neighbor. According to Durst, Black pointed a gun at him and, while Durst was trying to get the gun out of Black’s hand, he shot Black in the face. Morris Black was found dismembered and wrapped in garbage bags in Galveston Bay, but the head has never been found. Despite the mutilation of Black, Durst said that what happened before the defacement was self-defense.

After the acquittal of the Black trial, Durst has laid low until recent days when he was on a restroom break during the filming of “The Jinx.” The camera was off, but Durst`s mic was still on when he muttered the words, “What have I done? Killed them all.” in his documentary. Shortly thereafter, he was arrested in New Orleans on gun charges and is waiting for extradition for the California warrant. When police raided his home, more than $40,000 in cash, a rubber mask, and a loaded gun were found.

Durst now awaits a trial at Elayn Hunt Correctional Center as he is now considered a suicide risk.