Mars One: One-way trip to Mars

Mars One: One-way trip to Mars

Mars One, a space company founded by Bas Lansdorp and Arno Wielders, strives to establish human life on Mars by founding a mission to the red planet in 2026.

The Mission

Mars One believes that human settlement on Mars is the next step for mankind. They claim that exploring the solar system as a unit will bring us all closer together. In addition, human life on Mars will aid the world’s understanding of the solar system, life and our place in the vast universe. Similar to Apollo Moon landings, a human voyage to Mars will encourage generations in the future to believe that all things are possible and anything can be accomplished.

The public is able to sign up to be a part of the crew in the Mars landings. Starting in 2026, crews of four will depart every two years. The first unmanned mission will be launched in 2020.

Astronaut Training

The candidates who are chosen must take part in rigorous training to simulate life on Mars.

Groups selected from the first batch of applicants have begun training this year. This training will continue until the launch in 2026. The group’s ability to deal with long periods of time in a remote location is an ideal stage. They will learn to repair components of the habitat and rover, train in medical practices, and learn to grow their own food in the habitat.

Every group spends several months of each training year in the analogue outpost to prepare for their mission to Mars. The first outpost simulation is a Mars-like terrain. A second training base will be located at a more deserted environment like the Arctic desert.

Astronaut Selection

The global search has already begun for the first humans to set foot on Mars and make it their home.

The following are physical requirements for candidates:

  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Must be free of any disease or addiction (alcohol or drugs)
  • Normal range and functionality in all joints
  • Must have 20/20 vision, contacts allowed
  • Free from any psychiatric disorders
  • Adequate fitness level for their age and gender
  • Blood pressure does not exceed 140/90 in sitting position
  • Standing height must be between 157 and 190 cm (5’2” and 6’3”)

In extensive training, candidates will learn the skills they will need on Mars and on their journey there. The combined skill set of each astronaut team member will cover a very wide range of disciplines. They will need positive and determined personalities to get things done.
The following characteristics are expected to be prime astronaut:

  • Resiliency
  • Adaptability
  • Curiosity
  • Ability to Trust
  • Creativity
  • Resourcefulness

This extraordinary trip seems to be on the bucket lists of many, drawing more than 200,000 men and women from around the world who responded to the first call for astronauts.


Many people think this is an expensive far-fetched dream because getting to Mars isn’t all that easy. The trip itself is 260 days and weather on the big red planet isn’t the nicest for humans.

Bill Nye, Planetary Society CEO, said getting humans to Mars is actually more complex compared to getting them to the moon. Although, he believes that space exploration helps bring out the adventure in people and bring them together.

This has allowed for a consensus to be reached regarding the right kinds of missions to be done, bringing attention to the fact that it’s possible to send astronauts to Mars without going over budgets. So if you long for adventure, take a look into a once-in-a-lifetime chance to explore beyond our world.