Electric cars may be getting a boost

Chances are, you have heard of electric cars, maybe you have seen one, or even own one. There are many advantages of owning one, such as less pollution, no gas payments, etc. However, one of the biggest disadvantages is that there are not a lot of charging stations, and charging your car can take quite a long time. Until these disadvantages are fixed, many people are going to have a hard time spending their money on a car with huge drawbacks. However, a solution may be coming, in UK, they are introducing roads that can charge the car while driving.

This is a huge breakthrough, as it has leading edge tech, and it works like a wireless charger. There are magnetic fields that charge the car, and will continue to do so until the car leaves the lane. The UK government is committing 500 million pounds to the project and will be available first as a test. The UK government is taking huge steps to stop emissions, as it is doing this and is going to put more charging stations through the country. If more countries follow their steps, this may be the first breakthrough to stop global warming. Not only will this help global warming, but will give a huge breakthrough to the electric car industry as well.

Tesla, the leader in the industry, has spoken on what the government is doing, saying “We fully support the decision and hope other countries follow their footsteps.” If this continues, owning an electric car won’t be such a pain, and may even become trendy.