8th Grader suspended for saving classmate’s life

8th Grader suspended for saving classmate’s life

8th grade student Anthony Ruelas was sitting in class when a fellow student of his started gagging and wheezing. The teacher of the class sent an email and was waiting for a reply from the nurse before taking any actions.

After around three minutes of listening to her wheezing and falling out of her chair, Ruelas picked her up and carried her to the nurse’s office after being told to remain calmly in his seat by his teacher.

Once Ruela’s mother, Mandy Cortez, picked him up from school she says she “wasn’t trying to hear it” because the school had already told her what her son was being suspended for and his past of getting in trouble however she “could tell he was upset” cortez said in an interview with KCEN-tv.

The referral give by Ruela’s 5th period teacher read:

“During 5th period another student complained that she couldn’t breathe and was having an asthma attack. As I waited for a response from the nurse the student fell out of her chair to the floor. Anthony proceeded to go over and pick her up, saying ‘f—k that we ain’t got time to wait for no email from the nurse.’ He walks out of class and carries the other student to the nurse.”

Once Cortez found out what his suspension was, she was proud of her son and angry at the school along with others who have heard of Anthony Ruelas’ suspension.

The school released a statement saying “The District is unable to provide details related to the matter as it pertains to information involving student discipline and/or health records” in response to Cortez and her son.