DV celebrates Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is and event many people know about. People all across the
country support this cause to find a cure for Breast Cancer and show support by donating to
foundations and competing in marathons for Breast Cancer Awareness. Some even go the extra
mile and start fundraisers.
This year DV athletes are taking the time to show their support for this cause that takes the lives
of many each year. The Desert Vista football teams have been showing their support of BCAM
by wearing pink socks with their uniforms during their games. The Desert Vista cheer teams
have been showing their spirit with bright pink colored pom poms and pink hair bows during
football games and pep assemblies as well.
Junior varsity football player Clay Sokol thinks there there is so much more that Desert Vista
can do to bring more awareness.
“I wish we as a team could go to a hospital in the valley and visit women and men with this
disease.” Clay Sokol said. “It kills so many a year and we would love to go and visit them to
encourage them. And I’d love to show more support by wearing pink cleats too.”
Not just the football players have had an amazing time showing spirit by incorporating pink in
their uniforms, DV cheer teams have done so as well.
When asked if she enjoyed dressing up for BCAM as a cheerleader Sophia responded
“Yes I love it! It’s nice to see almost all the sports teams at our school supporting Breast Cancer
Awareness,” says freshman cheerleader Sophia Erramuzpe.