Striving to spread awareness of a struggle

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. The whole month is dedicated to spreading awareness about diabetes and its effect on millions of people each year. Many students attending Desert Vista suffer from diabetes.

“I have been battling with Type 1 diabetes for four years,” freshman Lara Gomez said “Since I was diagnosed, I have to leave classes early in order to check my blood sugar, or to inject insulin. There are days that the symptoms of high or low blood sugar are so debilitating that you can’t go to school.”

Although the month is dedicated to spreading awareness, many people are unaware of the effects, the struggles, and the disease itself. Desert Vista students and faculty deserve to be informed about diabetes.

As a school, we are very are very good at banding together for a good cause, so it should be easy for us to get the word across.

“Diabetes is a daily struggle for me,” freshman Noelle Lemme said “I’ve had diabetes all my life, so I’ve gotten kind of used to it. It would be nice for people to at least understand what is going on”

Diabetes is a very serious disease that deserves to have attention brought to it. Desert Vista is completely capable of making this campus more aware and compassionate towards students struggling with diabetes.

“I’m so excited for people to get to know my story and be informed of my struggle,” Gomez said