Choir Holiday Performance

On Thursday, December 8, 2016, Desert Vista Choir is having a winter holiday performance at Desert Vista for all to come watch and enjoy. They will be performing four songs and have been preparing for about six weeks. There are ranges that fit the octaves of the choir performers and that helps place them into groups. The ranges are Alto 1, Alto 2, Soprano 2, and Soprano 1.

The songs that choir will be singing on Thursday are “Bom Bidi Bom,” “Mistletoe,” “Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day,” and “Still Still.” The performers are all excited and anxious for the performance, especially since they have been preparing and practicing for quite a long time.  

Clare Kulaga, a freshman at Desert Vista and a DV choir 1-2 performer says “Yes! I am mainly excited about being a part of the concert and sharing what we have practiced for so long in front of an audience and to be with all my friends performing.”

Most of the choir performers wish to continue to choir in the future and become more advanced as they continue on through the years. This is a goal that most of the choir performers have for themselves.

Victoria Garcia, a freshman at Desert Vista and a  DV choir 1-2 performer like Clare says “My goal for choir is to make it to the highest level of choir and continue to be in it all four years of high school to really push myself.”