What did DV students do for Thanksgiving?

Thursday, November 24th was Thanksgiving, and everyone’s family had something different planned for the holiday. Whether they stayed nearby, or went out of town for Thanksgiving, most students seemed to enjoy their long weekend off of school.

“I had a soccer tournament in Vegas again this year.” sophomore Bradley Brooks said, “I drove up [to Vegas] really early on Thursday morning with my family and spent some time with my team. We played on Friday and Saturday and then we drove home late on Sunday night. It was so much fun, I didn’t want to leave.”

Some students went out of town to celebrate this holiday, for out-of-state family or even for other events, such as soccer tournaments. Every family has their own tradition that they practice.

“I just stayed home with my family,” freshman Clarissa Walters said, “We had a lot of people over and we ate a pretty early dinner. We watched football and the Thanksgiving Day Parade and it was really fun. It was good to be with all my family for the holiday. We will all be eating leftovers for days at my house, we still have so much food I cannot even believe it.”

While lots people go out of town for the holidays, many students stay in town and spend time with family here, in Phoenix.

“I love Thanksgiving and all the food but now that it is over I am so excited for Christmas!” freshman Clarissa Walters said. “It is my favorite time of the year!!”