New year, new students

With the start of the new semester many new students enrolled at Desert Vista, and three weeks later students are finally getting in the swing of things.

“DV so far has been really great. I can tell you my adjustment period wasn’t that hard, because I felt that my support system coming in was great.” Sophomore Mateo Valdez said “I have made a lot of new friends and I have a lot of great teachers.”


While some students adjust easily sometimes it is harder for people to adjust. Desert Vista students for the most part are very accepting and can make people feel welcome. Hopefully everyone can have an adjustment as easy as Mateo.  

“This school is much bigger than my school in Ireland” Says freshman James Rooney “It was pretty easy for me to adapt though because everyone was very nice and showed me around. I really like Desert Vista.”

Starting a school again after a long break is hard for all students. New students have an even harder struggle. Luckily Desert Vista is an easy environment to adapt to.

“Coming to DV was a great switch for me.” Valdez said.