Showin’ some love for seniors

During the district-wide Spread the Love spirit week, February 13th through the 17th, pink paper hearts will be hung up on the windows of the cafeteria with all of the senior’s names on them.


“Every year we hang up senior hearts for Valentine’s Day,” senior Alisa Murphy said, “We leave them up all week and people can walk by and sign little messages on the hearts for their friends.”


This cute act is another way for students of all grade levels to show their love for the graduating seniors during the spirit week for Valentine’s Day. It is nice to see what people have to say to their departing friends.


“I have seen and heard mean things that were written on the senior hearts,” senior Zak Koudssi said, “I think the hearts are a cool idea, but I definitely don’t think that everyone at DV is mature enough to only write nice things on the hearts.”


While the senior hearts are a way to spread love, some students are concerned that this could even be a source of bullying. Most people do not intentionally try to hurt another person, but the hearts could be seen as a way to anonymously bully.
“It can also be really sad for some students if nothing was written on their heart,” senior Zak Koudssi said, “That can be another problem. Students might feel left out even though even though their name was up on the cafeteria windows with the rest of their graduating class.”