Being The Student in “Student Athlete”

As a student athlete, though sports being important, grades will always come first.

At the end of the day, grades are what can make or break your spot on the team, so it is crucial to have a well rounded school life. Being a student must come first in a well rounded school life.  Though athletics are exciting and fun, students need to find time to study.  Grades can make or break your spot on the team.

No student can participate with an F.  In some cases, the expectations are higher such as Desert Vista Cross Country.  Here are some tips to make sure you are well prepared. 

  1. Take detailed notes
  2. Review notes and homework before any tests.
  3. Ask questions throughout the class
  4. Finish homework after school so you don’t have to do it after practice.  

If you feel you are falling behind or struggling, ask a friend, parent, or teacher.  Athletes are smart, quick thinking, and determined. The same qualities apply to students in school.