Making excuses


Making excuses has become second nature to us. We have begun to replace telling the truth with an excuse for our actions that may or may not be true. Excuses have evolved over the course of time. Unrealistic and cliche excuses are out of style. We have changed them to make them more believable so they can be mistaken for the truth. When giving an excuse, we can only hope for one to sympathize with it and give us the benefit of the doubt.

In an article titled A Life of Endless Excuses by Adam Sicimski labels the following as the most common reasons that we make excuses.



  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of embarrassment
  • Fear of success
  • Fear of change
  • Fear of uncertainty
  • Fear of responsibility
  • Fear of making mistakes
  • Perceived lack of confidence or resources



The causes of why we replace telling the truth is always unique but the excuses will never go away unless we make them.