Should the death penalty be enforced?

Should the death penalty be enforced?

Death penalty: harsh and rash punishment or rightfully justified?  The death penalty can be looked at on two levels of extremes, some people believe it is truly despicable and no one should be put to death, on the other hand, some argue that it is a completely justified action by the court.

In the United States the capital punishment, otherwise known as the death penalty.  Those sitting on death row are there for murder.  No one currently on death row is there for anything except murder but other charges that can result in the death penalty are treason, aggravated kidnapping, drug trafficking, aircraft hijacking, placing a bomb near a bus terminal, espionage, aggravated assault by incarcerated and persistent felons.

Those who justify the death penalty argue that those who commit such crimes are the worst of the worst manipulative and could be potentially dangerous to those in the community, they should be gone so no one else gets hurt.

Attorneys in 29 murder cases state that the law is not specific enough, since it does not specify what types of murder cases can result in capital penalty.  They argue since the law is wishy-washy it should be abolished.

Although 19 states have gotten rid of the death penalty, the other 31 states argue that the death penalty is definitly reasonable and one person told that “Moreover, capital punishment celebrates the dignity of the humans whose lives were ended by the defendant’s predation.”

In some opinions the death penalty should be enforced in all states or none, it is incredibly confusing to have capital punishment in some states but not others.