Violence and video games

Violence and video games

Some people think it is a choice, others think it is an addiction, or a disease.  The question: Should obesity be considered a disease or simply a bad choice?

Many people argue that obesity is a string of bad decisions.  Obesity is preventable, like smoking can results lung cancer and not wearing sunscreen can lead to skin cancer, eating extreme amounts of food and not living a healthy life can result in obesity.  Along with that they proclaim that obesity is a side effect not a disease.

Those that believe that obesity is a disease because it meets the requirements of being a disease by definition.  By definition from the American Medical Association’s 2013 Council on Science and Public Health Report a disease is “an impairment of the normal functioning of some aspect

of the body.”  The problem is that many other things could impair different parts of the body.

Alcohol and  drugs impair the human brain from making sound decisions, alcoholism and and drug abuse are considered diseases.  If that is the case then shouldn’t obesity be recognised as a disease?

People against thinking that obesity is an actual disease believe that those choosing to eat too much and not exercise enough face the consequences that they deserve and obesity should not be a disease, just an unhealthy  lifestyle.