Should Phones be Allowed in the Classroom?


Everyday we use our phones, most people can say they are a necessary aspect to our lives. The problem is during school most teachers prohibit the use of phones in their classrooms, and the use has become very policed. As soon as a teacher sees a phone they take it away.

The rule is phones are to be zipped away in our backpacks and turned off. For most students this is not an easy thing, this generation is attached to their phones. The attachment we have to our phones is not always a negative one often times our phones give us a certain security.

Teachers may not always see through the student eyes. Through our phones we are connected to lots of people. This is important to lots of students, considering this might be the only way we connect to some of the people in our lives.

Phones shouldn’t be such a foreign item in classrooms, they serve a good use in classrooms. When using apps like Kahoot, Quizlet, Google Docs and Google Presentations, a student can simply pull their phone out and access these apps so easily, which can benefit teachers. Other uses of phones such as doing research can be done easily all it takes is the press of a button, another use is music it can help students focus and stay quiet.

The main downside to the use of phones in classrooms is students have the temptation of going on social media. This can be considered a main reason as to why teachers do not permit the use of phones in a classroom setting. This is why teachers are not the only ones to be blamed for the  no phones rule, but students as well, students should be more diligent in the ways they are using their technology. Overall, I believe phones should be used promptly in the classroom setting based on the fact that students and teachers can benefit.