The Early Bird is Sleep Deprived

Most schools begin at an hour deemed immoral by children and parents around the country. These early start times are proven to cause sleep deprivation, and a chain reaction of other issues to students.

A major consequence of premature school start times is sleep deprivation. Most teenagers receive a measly seven hours of sleep out of the recommended nine and a half a night. Sleep deprivation such as this can lead to depression, a host of health problems, and less efficiency or awareness during the day.

When one receives a limited amount sleep it leads to a higher risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, or even strokes in later life. If school were to start later in the day students would likely receive the recommended amount of sleep, being healthy and rested for the day ahead.

During school, students are expected to be alert and ready to learn. When school begins early in the morning, students are not at able to function at full capacity. In fact it has been proven that the later school begins, the higher academic performances of students. By pushing back school start times it increases student success/grades and allows students to give their undivided attention during class.

When school begins at an earlier hour it brings on a multitude of problems. Delaying school start times would benefit students all around the country and rid many of these difficulties. Not only through academic performance, but also with their health, happiness, and overall well-being.