Vending Machine Malfunctions

The vending machines at Desert Vista High School have been reported to not work for a while now, this is a problem that needs to be fixed. It’s convenient for the students for passing periods so they can get a snack and drink and replenish themselves. It is also nice to have them so they do not have to wait at lunch.  


“I love having vending machines,” said freshman Rachel Connor. “But I don’t like when they don’t work. And usually when they don’t work there is no one round to fix them. I also don’t like how they keep the ice cream vending machine in the lunchroom. It gets students hopes up.”


A few examples of vending machine malfunctions are putting your money in and not getting your food or the money back, the vending machine not having the food you want, and the food getting stuck. I think these problems need to be fixed. When they are not working, there needs to be someone around to fix them. I also think if they are not going to try to fix them they should get rid of the ice cream machines; if they are not going to work why have them?


“I do not like when the vending machines don’t work. It makes me so mad.” said sophomore Bradley Brooks, “Although I do like having them this is a problem that needs to be fixed. During passing periods I would like to get food without having any problems. I do like how the drink one never doesn’t work though, it’s nice.”