The good fight has ended

The good fight has ended

Lauren Hill, an ex-basketball player, along with so much more, died on April 10. Lauren played at Mount St. Joseph University in Ohio, where she was much more than just a basketball player.

She had been diagnosed with a form of brain cancer, and it wouldn’t have a cure before she could get one. Instead of being sad or hiding, or pitying herself, she came out to the world and showed herself, loud and proud.

She co-founded an organization called “The Cure Starts Now” and used it to raise over 1.5 million dollars for cancer research before she passed away. But maybe the most remarkable part about her was, while going through chemotherapy and radiation treatments for six weeks, she played basketball for her school, despite the pain.

Lauren Hill was an inspiration to people everywhere and was a great example for everybody to follow because she was brave, and she helped many people along the long, tough road she took.