Ebooks enhance Harry Potter experience

Ebooks enhance Harry Potter experience

The seven book series written by the self made billionaire J. K. Rowling has touched the lives of millions of people around the world. Recently, to please the avid fans who are always wanting more, the Harry Potter books were reprinted in the form of interactive ebooks.

The ebooks consist of the original text, but additionally contain pictures and animations to enhance the Harry Potter reading experience.

These books, while only available with technology, are still widely popular and are worth every cent of the cost. While the digital books are exactly the same novels as the original series published in print, they allow readers to actually experience the wizarding world of Harry Potter through visuals. The pictures and animations are beautiful and accurate representations of the world imagined by Rowling.

Although it is hard to live up to the original print series, the Harry Potter ebooks certainly do not fail to do justice to the wizard and his friends. With the digital books, fans can journey with Harry, Ron and Hermione in a more realistic and enhanced way.

The ebooks are available on iBooks for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Each is $9.99, but customers will certainly get their money’s worth. The enhanced editions are another way for readers to lose themselves in the beautiful world of Harry Potter.