Student Spotlight: Painting sunsets with Natalia


“I am Natalia Menadue. I’m a freshman at Desert Vista. I started painting because it was just something to relieve my stress and anxiety. So whenever I was stressing over schoolwork, I kind of just dropped that. I start painting. Some of the favorite paintings I’ve done are like sunsets and probably some of the ones behind me to be honest,” Menadue said. 

The young artist also tells us that she is also inspired by the famous painter and TV host Bob Ross. 

“An artist that inspires me would be Bob Ross. Because I just I just like what he does and when he died I was like heartbroken, like okay the best artist just died,” she said. 

Just like anything we do Natalia faces many challenges during her paintings.

“The biggest issue would be making straight lines so well. Like on my last video, I was trying to make a cactus picture for my dad. This is like a  present. And I kept getting like black all over the canvas because usually when I make landscapes I’m not ready for the texture yet, like black and the outline. And so I kept getting like black everywhere. It wasn’t a straight line and it stresses me out,” she said.

Natalie also tells us that if she could give one piece of advice to herself or a younger artist it would be to never give up.


 “If I could give one piece of advice to my younger self it would be to never give up because I’ve had a lot of struggle with that. Really difficult. Not everything is going to be perfect,” she said.

This is an important lesson and Natalia will never give up on her art.